It is my great pleasure and privilege to work with the Westburn SMP students each Wednesday afternoon. My aim is to create a safe, warm, focused and nurturing environment in which each student is encouraged to develop their personal and musical skills to become a more capable and highly skilled musician and a good citizen. As well as focusing upon executant skills, the programme also develops other aspects of musical training such as aural perception, theoretical understanding, a study of music history, and an appreciation of performance skills. Through associating with like-minded developing musicians each student in the programme has the opportunity to grow as a person and form friendships that will stand them in good stead as they move into higher areas of learning.
Given the investment made by the school in each student, once accepted into the programme, it is expected that the student will remain in the programme through the remainder of their years at Westburn before moving on to secondary school. Westburn maintains a strong relationship with Burnside High School with several of its teachers and students coming into act as mentors at orchestral rehearsals and to support other musical programmes at the school.
SMP students automatically are accepted into the Westburn School Symphony Orchestra and the school choir and assume leadership positions in these groups. There is an expectation for SMP students to act as positive role models and to contribute to the wider school culture and ethos.
Richard Oswin
SMP Director