Parent Voice
Juliet Saunders
“Charlie’s appreciation of music as an art form has increased dramatically through exposure to orchestras, operas and the music of a variety of composers via the SMP program.
The children are taught not just the importance of practise, but HOW to practise their on their instruments.
He is proud to represent the SMP program and wears his performance uniform and badge with great pride.”
Parent Voice
Melody Huang
“As Asian parents who raise up a New Zealand born Asian musical child is challenging. Because there is an element what I call cultural musical shock. Often our high expectation leaves them with very limited room for positive environment. Since my daughter Cheryl joined SMP at Westburn Primary School two year ago, I have noticed a huge change within her. She has started to share what she needs to work on instead of what she is not good at. This is important to me as raising up a healthy musical is more important than anything.
Being in the group of similar children makes her feel absolutely normal. This is also my expectation for her.
The amazing opportunities, cares, and attentions she has given was enormous. Thank you Dr Patrick, Ms Pankhurst and Mr Oswin. The positive environment you are creating is filling all the gaps and crevices in Cheryl’s musical life.
I am very pleased to see her musical life is gradually getting rounded and completed.
Those positive words from each appraisal concert are just the sparks that light up her future.
Thank you again for having this amazing musical program.”
Parent Voice
Annie Du
“Shirley arrived in New Zealand and was accepted into SMP after only one term at another school where she was finding it difficult to fit in. She was learning a new language and culture and did not know anyone in New Zealand. She made friends in SMP class straight away and was excited to go each week. Shirley got into SMP on piano, but started lessons on the viola too, and joined the school orchestra and string group. She has made so many friends through music and also, her brother, who was complaining and trying to make us let him quit piano, began to be inspired by her. He started to practise more and made enough progress to join SMP too. His friends are the boys in the SMP class now. He now loves his music and has also started up the trombone to be in the brass group and the jazz band and the school orchestra. This year Billy even got into the representative orchestra of the Christchurch schools’ music festival with his SMP friends. Shirley has moved onto SMP at Burnside High School, and Billy will be joining her there next year in the Performance Music programme. Both of my children are so happy because of the music and they love all their teachers and the friends they have made through music.”
Parent Voice
Rose Seinafo
“The SMP gives the student structure and they know where they fit. There are certain activities scheduled for each day. There are obvious expectations from the school which takes guessing out of the equation for the students and the parents. The parent doesn’t have to be the baddy when the child behaves like a child sometimes grumbling and being slack (despite loving it and really wanting to be part of it!). There is an expectation of quality, so the student has a little bit of pressure on them to make the standard. While the children don’t compete against each other, they do need to consistently aspire to do better. Also, as the years go by the students move into natural leadership roles in which they inspire and support incoming students. For example, the Chamber Music Programme, which runs almost for the entire year, gives a focus outside school hours. The students need to organise themselves (often with others who they wouldn’t necessarily choose to work with) and they take it very seriously. This culture is established and children new to the programme learn quickly to slot into it. They “get with the programme!” and it’s exactly what we (students and parents) need.”
Student Voice
Cheryl, Year 8
“SMP is a fun, engaging course at Westburn where we improve, nurture and share our musical skills. Over the course of four years, I have loved the encouraging attitude of the teachers/tutors, the opportunities you find no place else and the calm, soothing environment. SMP offers us many, many opportunities like festivals, concerts and much more! Since I have joined SMP, I have participated many times in the Northwest Festival, Aurora Festival, Lions’ Christchurch Schools’ Music Festival, The National Concerto Competitions, where me and the other three Y8 students were junior jurors and got to choose, based on our notes, who would receive a prize from us. We also get free tickets to the concert, I mean, come on, who doesn’t love free concert tickets? This year, our SMP teacher, Mr Oswin has managed to find three other tutors to come in and look after us while in our chamber groups. As much as I love SMP, there is one slight downside. As you may or may not know, we hold SMP on a Wednesday afternoon for two hours, this causes us to miss out the afternoon block of school. I just wish we could’ve held SMP after school time. Overall, SMP is an unique opportunity for children who love music and as a senior student, I have thoroughly enjoyed my past four years in the SMP programme.”
Student Voice
Kate, Year 8
“I have been an SMP student at Westburn for four years. I have enjoyed playing in the orchestra and the chamber groups. Learning the theory and the history of music has helped me become a better musician. It has helped me prepare for musical activities outside of SMP such as the Christchurch Schools’ Music Festival and high school. I have been challenged and have enjoyed it.”
Student Voice
Sophia Year 8
“These past few years I’ve been in SMP are one of the most amazing experiences through primary school. My highlights and what I enjoyed mostly from SMP is where we did chamber music groups. I have really enjoyed working as a group communicating together throughout the pieces and then performing them to our peers. I have gained a lot and learned a lot through my SMP journeys doing musical theory and aural perception, SMP orchestra rehearsals and soloists.”
Student Voice
Sherry, Year 7
“The best thing about SMP is that we get to learn more about music and we get to work with others. I have learned a lot more music since I joined SMP. The best SMP experience I have had was the camps we’ve done. I also really enjoy going to different places to perform and also going to concerts with my friends like all the CSO concerts in the Town Hall we go to.”
Student Voice
Sofia, Year 7
“Sophia (year 7) “I like playing harder pieces in SMP than we play in orchestra. I have learned lots and lots of pieces! The best experiences are the Appraisal Concerts where we dress up and perform to an audience. I have got better at playing in front of people and I look forward to it no even though I still get nervous before the concert!”
Student Voice
Annie, Year 6
“It is fun playing our instruments all togher and going to play at different places. I have learned to sing so much better and my posture is better. I have got over my fears of playing by myself in front of other people. Actually I am still really really scared when it comes to solo performances I don’t really like it! But I’m getting better and know my friends are enjoying listening to me even though I’m really really scared!”
Student Voice
Stacey, Year 6
“SMP is a great opportunity and I learn so much. I love doing chamber music the most. The best experience I have had is the Appraisal Concert”
Student Voice
Joseph, Year 8
“All my friends are in SMP and we get to work together. I like chamber music, choir, orchestra, masterclasses etc. etc. I actually like all of the things we do. I miss the things we are not doing in SMP when we are doing different things (haha) I would like to do only SMP in my life”
Student Voice
Audrey, Year 7
” I like to always have new music to learn to play and all of the songs we sing. I have learned more on my instrument because I have to keep getting better to be able to play the music you give me! SMP camp is my favourite memory but the best thing is learning music with my friends”
Student Voice
Isaac, Year 8
”I now think about dynamics and timing which I didn’t think about before SMP so much and I have made more friends in SMP. I like the Appraisal Concerts and I like being in JAzz Band”
Student Voice
Audrey, Year 6
“The best thing in SMP is getting to know other people who are also musicians. I like the chamber music we do and also the choir songs. I liked performing in Strum Strike Blow, especially Dr Shepherd’s piece he wrote for us because we played it really well and everyone watched us do it in the big concert”
Student Voice
Jonny, Year 8
“The best thing is to play in the orchestra and I’ve learned more music styles. I like the chamber music too.”
Student Voice
Justin, Year 8
“Playing really hard music with my friends in SMP is good and I have got closer to my friends who are also in SMP. I liked the camps we did”
Student Voice
Billy, Year 8
“SMP life is amazing. Music is good and i like performing and playing with my friends. The appraisal concerts are good”
Student Voice
Billy, Year 8
“SMP life is amazing. Music is good and i like performing and playing with my friends. The appraisal concerts are good”
Student Voice
Kate, Year 6
“The SMP orchestra is my favourite SMP thing. I like the masterclasses when I can perform with a piano accompaniment and I also like performing by myself at the appraisal concerts”
Student Voice
Zara, Year 6
“The best thing about SMP is getting to interact with other musicians like me. I learned songs thant may look easy but you cannot base a book on its cover! The best experience I’ve had so far was when we did Strum Strike Blow FEstival because there were so many people all doing music and I learned a little of the xylophone.”
Student Voice
Samual, Year 6
“Learning lots of pieces of music and having a strong relationship with music. Also the concerts with the food”